⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ The Last Dance (2020)

I can’t think of anything that I enjoyed more over the last few years. And I was told that you have never really had to be a massive basketball fan to appreciate this ten hour long documentary. Produced by ESPN and Netflix it focuses on Micheal Jordan’s rise to stardom and the Chicago Bulls  during the 1997-98 season on their way to win the sixth NBA title. We jump back and forth along the timeline to see the story from different angles and understand what it took to become one of the most admired basketball teams and the NBA legend.

How much of it is glossed over to hide the darker side of Michael Jordan? I couldn’t care less. I didn’t watch it for its factual aspects but its entertainment qualities.  And there is plenty more I appreciate this series for; the structure, the interviews, the greater context it gives. Basketball was a huge part of my childhood and watching this series was like going back to 1990s when my dad and I stayed up all night to watch NBA playoffs.



I watched it on Netflix