A Private War (⭐️⭐️) is a biographical drama written by Arash Amel and directed by Matthew Heineman, which tells the story of Sunday Times war correspondent, Marie Colvin. Colvin has been one of the most admired war journalists of all time whose bravery and an extraordinary commitment to telling the truth preceded her. For years she reported on conflicts including Kosovo, Chechnya, East Timor, and the Middle East. She died tragically during one of her missions in Syria. It is unfortunate that Rosamund Pike fails to portray this legendary journalist convincingly. The screenplay limits this biopic to Colvin’s alcoholism, chain-smoking, and inability to deal with her post-traumatic stress disorder. The lack of structure prevents the interesting issues raised from earning a viewer’s attention. Unlike, Under the Wire from 2018 (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️) a documentary on her last trip to Syria with Paul Conroy, A Private War is not one I would recommend.
I watched A Private War on Amazon